MS ERA is a tabletop
game that puts those Gundam figures you've been collecting to good
A complete Mobile Suit battle can be played out in just 20 minutes
these fast and easy rules.
To play MS ERA, you will
When you're ready to
have each player roll two dice- whoever has the highest roll goes
and turns continue around the table in a clockwise order. If
teams, stagger the players so teams alternate.
When it's your turn,
may do TWO things with each of your Units. These things are
ACTIONS. Continue until ALL of your Units have done two
(or chosen to do nothing). Then it's the next player's
Continue around the board until the mission has ended (see MISSIONS
for how to end a mission).
BASE VALUE. All units have a BASE VALUE, typically between 1 and 5. This is the base number of DICE the unit rolls when attacking, meleeing, or defending. The cost of a unit is typically the Base Value -1.
1/2 | 1* | Ball, Magella Attack |
1 | 2 | Zaku, GM, Gaza C |
2 | 3 | Dom, Guncannon, Rick Dias |
3 | 4 | Gelgoog, Gundam, Gaplant |
4 | 5 | Ziong, ZZ, Alpha Azieru |
MELEE | Gouf, Gyan | Melee +1 die. Range -1 die. |
MARINE | Zugock, Hygog | Ignore water penalties (see terrain). Can't take Shield. |
ARTILLERY | Guntank, Guncannon | Range +1 stick. Melee -1 die. |
ARMORED | The O, FAZZ | +1 Shield card (ignores restrictions). Melee or Ranged -1 die. |
CORE | Gundam, Guntank, Ziong | When destroyed, place a core unit in its place: 1_0_1 1/2. Core units can't repair or pick up equipment (except Ace). |
JET | Dom, Core Booster | Can't take shield. If you move twice in a straight line, may make a free Ranged attack or Recon scan during the move. May move OVER water. |
RECON | Eyezack, Hovertruck | Melee or Ranged -1 die.
Examine (not reveal) a blip. Range = 1 stick per action spent. |
WORKER | Geze, Zakutank | Repair +1 die. Range -1 die. |
TRANSFORM | Methuss, Gaplant,
Zeta Gundam |
May switch MS <->
MA form at
the END of a move. MA form: A move=2 sticks, melee -1 die, repair -1 die. |
FORTRESS | Bigzam, Psycho Gundam | Max 1 move / turn. May split attack dice into multiple attacks. |
Zakutanker |
MS / base value. 1 Action to deploy / load MS.
Melee -1 die. |
Any unit can attempt to
REPAIR an adjacent unit by spending an action. Roll 1 die
of the unit's base value or hits). A roll of 5 or 6 repairs
1 point of damage! Units may attempt to repair themselves, but
only a 6 will repair a hit.
When a unit is down to its
last hit, it may roll +1 die when making melee attacks.
If a unit is about to be
destroyed, a friendly unit within 1 stick may sacrifice
This destroys the sacrificing unit, and reduces the target unit's
damage by 1 for every hit the sacrificing unit had. Cost 1/2
can only sacrifice for other cost 1/2 units.
When a unit is destroyed,
mark the killing unit with a REVENGE marker. Attacks against the
marked unit are at +1 die until the killing unit takes any Damage- then
remove the marker.
BLIPS represent unforseen
events on the battlefield, and lucky players will find something to
them at just the right moment! Blips start face down.
To FLIP a blip, a unit must TOUCH it as part of their MOVE. A
cannot be flipped unless the unit revealing it is MOVING! It does
not take an action to flip a blip (but it takes an action to Move, of
Flipping a blip ends the units move. They may take
move afterward if they have another action to do so. Some blips
dangerous, but most will prove helpful in a fight!
RECON | You must scout out neutral territory- watch for enemy units! |
SET UP | Place 8 blips per player evenly about the board. Start at opposite board ends. |
BONUS | In case if a tie, the player with the most Intel blips wins. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all the blips have been revealed and all INTEL blips have been collected. |
ENGAGEMENT | You must take control of the battlefield by force. |
SET UP | Place 3 blips per player evenly about the board. Start at opposite board sides. |
BONUS | Earn 1 credit for each enemy unit that leaves the board! |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when one player has no more units on the board. |
ENEMY GROUND | You must get past the enemy forces alive! |
SET UP | Place 4 blips per player evenly about the board. Start at opposite board ends. |
BONUS | Earn +1 credit for each unit that makes it off the opposite board edge! A unit may not return once it has left. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when one player has no more units on the board. |
RESISTANCE | You must clear out neutral resistance forces. |
SET UP | Place 7 blips per player evenly about the board. Start at opposite board ends. |
BONUS | Treat Resistance blips as an ambushing unit with the following stats: 2_0_3. Do not remove the blip until anyone beats it with a melee or ranged attack- they will earn 1 credit. At the end of the last player's turn, the Resistance will attack the nearest unit! |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all the blips have been resolved. |
ASSAULT | The attacker must destroy the defender's base / ship. |
SET UP | Place terrain at one side of the
to represent the defender's base or ship. The defending player
2 TURRET equipment cards per
player. Place the turrets anywhere on the base.
BASE: Def 3, Melee 0, 3 hits per attacking player. Place 3 blips per player evenly about the board. The Attackers go first. |
BONUS | Attacker earns +1 credit per hit done on the base. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when the attacker has no more units on the board. (Attacker may leave at any time with no penalties once the base is destroyed). |
RIVER PATROL | The attacker may use marine units to infiltrate enemy territory! |
SET UP | Place river terrain that runs
the length
of the board. Place 7 blips per player on the board, with half
the blips in the river. Start at opposite board ends.
The Attacker may use Marine units. The defender gets +1 TURRET equipment card - place turrets anywhere but in water. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all the blips have been revealed. |
STOLEN! | The attackers have captured a unit, and must escape with it! |
SET UP | The attackers start at one board
The attackers must declare one of their units to be STOLEN from
the defenders- start it at least 6 sticks away from their board
It cannot have transform or a flight unit. The attackers also get
2 extra Equipment cards.
Place 8 blips evenly about the board- they may be revealed by either side as normal. The defenders may start anywhere on the board, but must be at least 1 stick apart from any other unit. The attackers go first! |
BONUS | To recapture the stolen
unit, the
defenders must do the last point of damage in melee (instead of
it, this will capture it). Doing so earns the defenders 3 Credits.
If the attackers get the stolen unit off the far end of the board, they earn 4 credits! If the stolen unit is destroyed, no one earns any points for it. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when there are no more attacking units on the board (they may leave off the far board edge at any time, but may not come back once they leave). |
ESCAPE | The defenders must protect a shuttle launch from attackers. |
SET UP | Place a launch site in the
center of the
board. (The shuttle is hidden underground until launch time).
cover anywhere on the board at least 1 stick in from any board
Defenders may start anywhere on the board.
Place 8 blips evenly about the board- they may be revealed by either side as normal. The attackers may start on any board edge, and they go first! |
BONUS | At the end of every defender
turn, roll
to see if the shuttle launches. Roll 1 die for each turn
If any of the dice roll a 6, the shuttle launches! Place a
model on the launch site. The attackers then have 1 turn to try
destroy the shuttle before it escapes. If it is not destroyed by
the end of the attacker turn, it escapes, and the defenders earn +3
The shuttle may only be attacked by units with the ARTILLERY upgrade, or units within 1 stick and equipped with an Arsenal card. It may not be attacked in melee or barraged. It rolls 4 dice for defense, and has 4 hits. If the shuttle is destroyed before it can escape, the attackers earn +3 credits! |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when the shuttle is either destroyed or escapes. |
STRANDED | A Federal Forces transport has crashed in the water. Can they get out before they are overwhelmed by Zion Marine units? |
SET UP | Place ship wreckage in the
center of a
water board so that it provides cover. Federal players
on the wreckage, and may not take any tanks.
Place 6 blips evenly in the water and 4 blips on the wreckage- they may be revealed by either side as normal. The Zion may start on any board edge and may use marine units. The Federal Forces go first. |
BONUS | Federal Forces Earn +1 credit for each unit that makes it off any board edge! A unit may not return once it has left. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all Federal units are off the board or destroyed. |
CLEANUP | Your teams have been dropped into territory known to harbor enemy guerilla forces. You must dig them out and eliminate them! |
SET UP | All players start in the middle of the board. Place 6 blips per player evenly around the board. |
found will be a cost-2 ambushing enemy unit instead!
Any MINOFFSKI or INTEL blips found will also include a cost-1 ambushing enemy unit. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all blips and enemy units have been resolved. |
HOLD THE LINE | Your teams must keep the enemy from breaking through! |
SET UP | Players all start on one
Place terrain evenly around the board. Place 5 blips per player
the board.
Prepare 6 waves of enemy units. The total number of points of all the waves added together should be equal to 2x the total points of the players squads. You may have 2 "breather" waves that have no units at all. |
BONUS | Any RESOURCE blip found
be treated as a CACHE blip instead.
Each enemy turn, randomly select a wave of enemies to enter at the far side of the board. Enemy units will try to cross the board and escape off the opposite side. Each turn, move all enemy units 1 stick forward, into cover if possible, and spend 1 action shooting the nearest target. Melee units may move 2 sticks forward if they can melee at the end of the move! Earn credits for destroying units as normal. If an enemy unit escapes off the far side of the board, whichever player has taken the LEAST amount of damage will LOSE 1 credit for letting them through! |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all waves have been defeated or have made it off the board. |
STRONGHOLD | Your teams have located an enemy research base and must shut it down, but are unprepared for the threats within! |
SET UP | Players start on any board edge. Place 6 blips per player around the board, mostly in the center. Be sure to include at least one Resource blip. |
BONUS | Any RESOURCE blip found
will be
a COST-4 ambushing enemy MOBILE ARMOR! Whoever reveals it
earns 1 credit. Instead of earning credits on destruction,
players earn 1 credit for each hit done to the mobile armor.
Any RESISTANCE blips found will be a cost-2 ambushing enemy unit instead! Any MINOFFSKI or INTEL blips found will also include a cost-1 ambushing enemy unit. |
END CONDITIONS | Game ends when all blips and enemy units have been resolved. |